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- CHEMPARSE - A Recursive Depth Parser for Organic Substructures
- CHEMPARSE is a program which interprets chemical structures
- and substructures you type by using a recursive descent parser. A
- RDP parser is a good way to handle input that can be described
- using a context-free grammar. A grammar in computer science is a
- set of rules that can be used to tell whether a given input is
- valid - sort of the same idea as English grammar, but more
- rigorously defined. A context-free grammar is one where each
- "phrase" (called a non-terminal) can be expanded the same way into
- the final "words" (called terminals), regardless of its location.
- Pascal and LISP are examples of computer languages that can
- be descibed with context-free grammars. The rules for what you
- can put inside a BEGIN..END block are the same, regardless of
- whether it's part of a IF x THEN BEGIN..END statement, a WHILE x
- DO BEGIN..END statement, or the main block of a program. English
- is not a context-free grammar.
- Bachus-Naur formalism is a good way to describe the rules of
- a context-free grammar. For each non-terminal, a BNF sentence
- describes how it can be expanded. Some examples from Pascal are:
- IF-THEN-statement ::= "IF" logical-expression "THEN" statement.
- statement ::= BEGIN-END-block | IF-THEN-statement | assignment-
- statment | other-statments | empty-statement.
- BEGIN-END-block ::= "BEGIN" statement { ";" statement } "END".
- The symbols used in BNF are:
- ::= "is defined as"
- | "or"
- { x } x may be present 0, 1, or more times
- [ x ] x may be present 0 or 1 times but not more
- The non-terminals are IF-THEN-statement, logical-expression,
- statement, BEGIN-END-block, assignment-statement, other-
- statements, and empty-statement. The terminals are IF, THEN,
- BEGIN, END and ;. You might notice that BEGIN-END-block is used
- to define STATEMENT and STATEMENT in turn is used to define BEGIN-
- END-block. Although not done here, it's also possible to use a
- non-terminal in its own definition. One example might be:
- integer ::= digit [ integer ].
- digit ::= "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" |
- "9".
- A RDP works by calling a separate parsing routine for each of
- the BNF sentences. If non-terminals are found, their parsing
- routines are called until eventually the system works its way down
- to only terminals. RDP's are thus highly recursive (hence the
- name), and are best written in languages such as Pascal and LISP
- which handle recursion easily.
- Context-free grammars and RDP can be used for more than just
- describing computer languages. Chemical structures can also be
- described in a linear notation using context-free grammar. This
- linear notation has long been a convenient way for chemists to
- describe a structure in text. Some examples are:
- Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) CH3-CH2-OH
- Ethyl acetate CH3-C(=O)-O-CH2-CH3
- t-Butyl amine NH2-C(CH3)(CH3)CH3
- Single bonds are represented with a dash, double bonds with an
- equal sign. Branching is handled by placing the branch inside
- parentheses.
- We have been using this notation at the CASE (Computer-
- Assisted Structure Elucidation) lab at the chemistry departement
- of Arizona State University to enter structure and substructure
- information (it's a lot cheaper than buying a graphics
- workstation!). We have expanded the symbols used to allow for a
- wider variety of structures and the limitations of ASCII
- characters. Triple bonds are represented with a plus sign. Bonds
- not explicitly shown may be any type (except bonds to hydrogen
- atoms, which are always single and never shown). A decimal point
- may be used to explicily show an undefined bond. Rings are shown
- by "labeling" one atom and then connecting to the label from
- another atom. Disjoint (in two or more fragments) substructures
- are entered by separating each fragment with a semicolon. Some
- more examples:
- Acetonitile CH3-C+N
- Cyclopropane 1:CH2-CH2-CH2-1
- Benzene 1:CH=CH-CH=CH-CH=CH-1
- Two ethyl groups CH3-CH2;CH3-CH2
- Any nitrogen-oxygen bond NO or N.O
- We are currently using a RDP for this notation with several
- applications. The BNF is:
- (Sub)structure ::= fragment [ ";" (sub)structure ].
- fragment ::= atom-group [ branch ] [ bond fragment ].
- branch ::= "(" bond fragment ")" [ branch ].
- bond ::= [ "-" | "=" | "+" | "." ].
- atom-group ::= digit | ( [ digit ":" ] atom [ "H" num-of-H ] ).
- atom ::= "C" | "N" | "O" | "S" | "F" | "CL" | "BR" | "I" | "NO2" |
- "A".
- digit ::= "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9".
- num-of-H ::= { "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" }.
- The CHEMPARS program reads a line of up to 60 characters,
- sends it to the RDP routine, and produces a table listing the
- non-hydrogen atoms, their connections, and possible atom types.
- Entering "Q" quits the program. If you have a color monitor, be
- sure to run it in medium resolution. The source code is written
- in O.S.S. Personal Pascal. The procedures which parse each non-
- terminal are:
- Non-terminal Procedure
- ------------ ---------
- (sub)structure P_SUBSTR
- fragment P_FRAG
- branch P_PAREN
- bond P_BOND
- atom-group P_ELG
- atom P_ATOM
- digit (handled in-line)
- num-of-H P_NUMHS
- Much of the above text is a result of discussions between
- myself and Chris Chabris, who greatly clarified my muddy concepts
- and pointed out the relationships between BNF, CFG, and RDP.
- Thanks, Chris.
- -- Brad Christie 76167,1461